Gemma Gilbert Business Coach

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Amplify Client Story: Janine Coombes

Name: Janine Coombes

Business: I help 1:1 Coaches and Conusltants earn more from their 1:1 work without slogging their guts out.


Group Programme:

Problem: Wanted to start a group programme, but never finished anything and wasn’t clear on messaging.

Result: A clear niche, messaging, and a group programme with a pre-recorded curriculum.

“Amplify is an absolute masterclass in how to run a successful group programme. The Amplify client experience is faultless.

Participating in Amplify showed that group can be as good as, if not better, than a 1:1 experience”

Before working with Gemma…

I wanted to earn more money and I’d been toying with group programmes for a few years, but it just wasn’t working. I didn’t like the cohort and launch method. I didn’t like the pressure of launching on a certain day. I was feeling the pain of not being sharp enough on my own messaging. I hoped there was a better way.

Janine’s Key Points

  • I knew I wanted to niche down my audience. I had the wheels in motion for that. But during Amplify I realised I wanted to work with people who only earn their money from 1:1. At first it cut my audience down by 75%. But I had to go through that to get to where I am now.

  • It’s so much easier to create your messaging and speak to the right people when you know who you’re speaking to.

  • My curriculum is all but finished. I have Gemma in my head telling me not to stuff too much into my curriculum! I’m so proud of what I’ve completed, being a non-finisher, it’s so nice to press publish on a new module and know that I don’t have to repeat myself again.

  • My group programme is hybrid, which means I have the pre-recorded curriculum, weekly group calls, and 1:1 calls when people need it.

  • Amplify is an absolute masterclass in how to run a successful group programme. The Amplify client experience is faultless. Gemma’s facilitation of group calls is spot on and she’s always flexing to what the group needs. Participating in Amplify showed that group can be as good as, if not better, than a 1:1 experience.

  • The biggest benefit of Amplify for me was the messaging piece. I’ve always struggled with this, despite being a marketer. Once that clicked into place it was such a rellief and everything flowed from that.

  • 2024 is going to be my year of getting my content out and spreading my messaging. It’s going to be a Janine explosion!

Who would you recommend Amplify to?

I would absolute recommend Amplify (and already have done!) if you want to explore group programmes, with a great group of ambitious people. Everyone in the group is really supportive and helpful and it really feels like a safe space.

What should others know about Gemma?

Gemma is ethical, and is very clear as to what you need to have in place in order for it to work.

Want to start an evergreen group programme you can enrol into month on month? Find out more about Amplify here.